Green Roof Systems
If your building can house a green roof, there is no reason not to have one. Infusing rooftop spaces with elements of greenery, depth and improved aesthetics, green roof systems have both tangible and intangible benefits.
Whether an office or residential building, a green roof provides a space to retreat to. Filled with a variety of lush greenery, there is a real sense of being connected to nature- especially since green roofs create enticing natural habitats for birds.
No matter the specifications of your roof, the CityForest team can curate an innovative design that mixes elements of aesthetics with more practical considerations.
This way, whether you’re planning to use the green roof as a backdrop for an entertaining area, or you’re looking for a convenient place to grow and tend to fresh fruit and vegetables, the space can facilitate your needs.
Carefully considered design also means taking into account elements of protecting structural components and of course, promoting sustainability. This is exactly why we place a waterproof layer between the roof and green roof.
This attention to detail works to protect the roof from weather extremes ranging from sun and wind to torrential rain. All of which can double or even triple the lifespan of the roof.
Green roof technology can also act as a rainwater buffer. The plants and the drainage layer of the system will absorb rain to ensure that there is a delay discharging rain to the sewerage system which in turn, reduces the risk of flooding.
The tangible benefits of green roof systems extends to reducing the building’s energy costs. With the innate ability of plants to absorb sunlight, the climate is a little cooler and a lot more pleasant.
However, the true power of a green roof system lies in its ability to simply make you feel better.
Plants have the distinct ability to filter matter from the air, all of which contributes to air purification. This means that, as soon as you step out onto an expertly designed CityForest green roof, you immediately feel more calm and centred.